p1 intro
p2 我對自己即將到來的畢業典禮的看法
Well goes the saying, “The longest day has its end.” There is no promise that one can be with another forever and always, and this rings true for everything. I have been through some partings, of course, graduation ceremonies were the most common ones that happened in my life. To me, commencements are not sorrowful but lively. In my past memories, I cherished the last moments to be with my best friends, we chatted, played games, literally stayed together till the end of the day. So in my opinion, commencements are really the final great times when all the friends gather and wishing each other a bright future.
I am going to graduate in June this year, and officially turn into a college student, about which I am very excited. I know that parting is not an easy thing, but humans are not capable of controlling fates, the best things we can do is to cherish every single day we have. We human beings aren’t immortal, so we have to fulfill our dreams as many as possible in the limited time, we can’t live in the past for good. So graduation ceremony is like an alarm, it rings when it is time to leave, to pursue our aspirations.
I deem the commencement an end for one amazing chapter of life, I can’t revise it, but I can read the stories again and again; in the meantime, a whole new chapter begins, the stories are not finished yet.
“天下無不散的宴席。” 沒有人可以保證自己能永久地與另一個人在一起,且所有事物都是如此。 我經歷過一些離別,當然,其中畢業典禮是我人生中最常見的。 對我而言,畢業典禮不悲傷,而是活潑歡樂的。 在我青春的回憶中,每次畢業的前夕,我珍惜與最好的朋友在一起的告別時刻,我們一起聊天,嬉鬧,直到一天結束時都在一起。 因此,我認為,當所有朋友齊聚一堂並彼此祝愿美好的未來時,畢業典禮如實呈現最後的美好時光。
我將於今年六月畢業,並正式成為一名大學生,對此我感到非常興奮。 我知道離別不是一件容易的事,但是身為人類沒有能力控制命運,。我們能做的最好的事情就是珍惜我們擁有的每一天。 我們沒有永生不朽之神力,所以我們必須在有限的時間內盡可能多地體現自己的夢想,不留戀在過去的美好中。 因此,畢業典禮中之於我,就像一個警鈴,它會在該離開的時候響起,追求我們各自的未來展望。
我將畢業典禮視為生命中體現的燦爛章節,我無法修改它,但是我可以在心裡一次又一次地讀取這些美好; 同時,新的篇章開始了,故事還沒有結束呢 !
parting (n) 離別
commencement (n) 畢業典禮
be capable of Ving 有能力做... =be able to
immortal (adj) 不朽的
fulfill (v) 實現
aspiration (n) 抱負
revise (v) 修訂