Superhero, an incredible saver, takes a huge responsibility for world peace.Among the three superheroes, Waller who can travel to anywhere at will, Laser who can shoot radiation out of his hands, and Shaper who can turn into different kinds of shapes at random. They all hold their gifts to maintain international peace and security. However, if I need to make an assumption of the danger that might occur to the earth, I would think it must be an almighty attack. Therefore, a powerful hero with the greatest strength and flexible ability is the priority that I would choose. Laser is the one that caters to the need.
Although Waller is able to go to places whenever he wants, he may not seize the danger with his power, so he wouldn't be the best choice. As for Shaper, whose superpower is shape-shifting, cannot launch an attack in a battle, it makes him look pale in the circumstance. On the contrary, Laser who is able to crack a thing open by easily moving his hands. I would use this laser-shooting ability to help the citizens from being attacked. When the bad guys want to hurt the people, I would cut off their paths and leave them stranded on the damaged roads, so that they could never find their ways out. In addition to that, I would form a team to protect the earth with me, our goal is to fight the villains. They will report where the catastrophe takes place, and I will use my laser hands to stop it right away. With the intention to make the world a better place, I believe Laser will be the greatest superhero one ever wants.
Joyce Lee
Lily Wang
拯救地球這個題目很大,因為地球可能的危機很多種面向,因此選擇英雄角色之後,要讓選擇合理化(引導讀者進入你的邏輯),也就是危機的模擬,因為危機有很多種,需要動用到superhero 的往往指涉的會是攻擊事件,Laser 是擅長攻擊的角色,很容易發揮這個特點。因此,想辦法引導讀者認同觀點很重要 (題目要先聚焦)才能將表達的內容具體化。
Joyce 同學在對於她選擇的laser 攻擊應用上,寫出了很生動的攻防策略,不凡藏在細節處,這是很好的示範短文。