A letter to a good friend
Dear Ken,
We have shared a lot of good time since we knew each other. You are my best friend because we all treat each other with genuine heart. However, both of us must notice that you have deviated from your original plan recently. You have been staying up late and not paying attention to studying since you indulged in video games. The obsession of video games has caused some bad influence in your life. You didn’t turn in your assignments on time, you always dozed off in the class, and you have flunked in many exams. Those are the obvious failures that we may estimate. Furthermore, you are always scolded by your parents. Those bickerings have made your life sink in a more miserable circumstance. I think it is time to do some corrections.
Moderation is the key to a happy life. I believe having proper time management is a good method to make you go back on the track. You need to make the priorities of your duties and stop postponing the things that you supposed to complete. This adjustment can help you improve the bad habit of staying up late and turn in your homework on time. At the same time, being concentrate on studying may boost your confidence in academic achievement; more, it can help you detach from the obsession of video games.
Besides that, your parents may be affected by your reformation and appreciate your effort. This kind of adjustment not only improve your academic work but also better family relationship. I believe it is the right time to move forward.
Your affectionate friend
自從我們熟識,我們分享了很多人生美好的時光。你是我最要好的朋友,因為我們都用最真誠的心對待彼此。然而,我想我倆都明顯察覺你最近嚴重脫離生活常軌。 這一切的起因都是因為你沉迷於電動遊戲,過分的著迷對你的生活造成了很多不良的影響,像是你不交作業,熬夜打電動的結果是你上課總是在打瞌睡,另外,你當掉多科的考試。以上這些都是很明顯學生責任問題。但最糟的還是你總是被你的父母親斥責,這樣的爭執已經讓你的家庭關係陷入一種傷害。我想現在是時候下定決心做出改善了。
自制是美好人生的關鍵。 我相信做出好的時間管理是一個好方法讓你回歸常軌。你需要先釐清工作與玩樂的先後順序,停止拖延你該完成的事項。這樣的改變可以幫助你停止熬夜,同時準時繳交你該完成的作業;精神好了才有助於學習,當你專注學習,你的課業表現會進步,這樣的正向循環也能幫助你脫離電動成癮。
Lily Wang
英文邏輯思考裡重要的一環是找出問題然後提出解決方案,題目雖然是書信體,但其用意還是要看學生應用生活書信的方式提出解難能力。但因為是軟性的撰寫,所以建議回歸人性面 「沒人喜歡被教訓」,我們提出勸戒時,要站在同理角度思考,把這封信真的想成你和好友真實的對話時,你的視角會柔軟,勸戒會更中肯有效,把英文帶入真實生活中你會寫出有感的文章。