嗨, 我是Lily. 我喜歡學習各種的事物,也期望將這樣的好奇與熱情傳遞給我的學生。我相信每一個人都有他獨特的學習頻率,因此我提供各種個人課程或是小型的班級規劃,藉此帶領有效的英語學習之路。

作為一個有經驗的英語老師和故事的愛好者;我相信人類是天生的說故事高手。因此,只要他或她願意打開說故事的本能,自然而然就能體驗生命的各種可能-當然也包含學習英語。 (說故事從來就不是小孩的把戲,而是成就流暢英語的英雄之路)



    Hi,I am Lily. I love learning of all kinds and I hope to pass on this enthusiasm to my students.  I believe each person learns best in his or her own particular way, so I provide personalized lesson and small group classes to meet the individual needs.
    I am an experienced teacher of English, and I am keen on all kinds of stories. I believe human beings are nature storytellers; therefore, as long as the one who is willing to open the heart to embrace the intrinsic instinct of storytelling,he or she is on the hero's journey- to experience all the possibilities of life,including learning English. As a lifelong learning practitioner, I am still aspiring by academic study and I am working on bridging the two worlds - academic English and fun living English.
   I also adore animals. Now I have a cat (class leader) who sheds the light on my life and I appreciates this encounter.
   The trajectory of a life is never a plain line; it will reach a turning point if we believe in it. Let's play around in this storytelling cosmos to kindle the journey of English.