A cup of coffee is a twenty-minutes trilogy. With coffee beans crackling in the grinder, the scent flows out and refreshes the lazy morning. It is the best beginning of a day, and I am the barista with the golden apron of mine. I like to prepare a cup of pour-over coffee with my own hands in a cozy morning so that I can decide the flavor to stretch the very new day. This is the most fulfilled part of my daytime — the quality time with myself. The ninety-one-Celsius-degrees water with the one-to-eleven powder proportion is the artisan’s choice. When the coffee powder successfully blends and swirls with the water, the exclusive Yirgacheffe aroma diffuses as the incense from the field. It is like a perfect courtship that precedes the second chapter of the trilogy. They meet, they get to know each other, and they fall in love, the perfect relationship. A blast of aroma generates a harmonic atmosphere all over the house. The tick-tock-dripping sound makes the very beginning of my day look perfect, and then it leads to another perfect intermission. Two minutes later, the final chapter — taste — is coming. The first sip is the vigorous conduction that wakes up every cell of mine. All the flavors in the coffee are clear and bright; then, the aftertaste comes out with the endless succession of sweet and acidity. I usually leave everything alone when I concentrate on my coffee date. The temperature in my mouth teases my anticipation, the taste of the drink resonates clearly in every sip, and I can always discover new flavors that are familiar yet mysterious. Black coffee is colorful rather than black and plain. It is like a real lady who deserves to be cherished by her elegance. This is why specialty coffee is so charming that I can not decline. Soon upon the final drink, time is freezing because of the beauty of my coffee lady. I cannot wait to have another rendezvous.
一杯咖啡就像個二十分鐘的三部曲。隨著咖啡豆在磨豆機中的磨碎聲,香氣奔放,同時清新了慵懶的早晨。這是一天最棒的開始,而我就是那屬於我自己的金袍咖啡師。我喜歡在舒適的早晨親自替自己準備一杯手沖咖啡,決定要用什麼風味來展開這新的一天,這是一天之中最滿足的時刻,屬於我的美好時光。91度C的水和1:11的粉末比例是身為職人的執念。當咖啡粉和水成功地舞起,那獨特的耶家雪菲香氣如信仰般的擴散。它就像一個完美的求愛過程,奏起三部曲中的第二章,他們相遇,認識彼此,墜入愛河,開花結果。一個強烈的香氣搭配和諧的氣氛充斥了整個房子。那滴答滴答般的濾滴聲,使得我每天的開始看起來如此完美,隨後帶我到一個完美的中場休息。兩分鐘後,最終章─ 品嘗─ 譜起。第一口啜飲就像一股強烈的傳導,提振了我身上所有的細胞。所有咖啡中的風味都非常的清楚明亮,然後,餘韻隨著無止盡酸和甘的連擊而出現。我通常會在與咖啡約會時拋下一切,嘴中的溫度挑逗著期待,每一口咖啡的風味都鳴起明亮的共振,而我總是能品嘗到那若神祕若熟悉的味道。黑咖啡其實不黑不素,而是繽紛的,就像一位值得尊寵的美女。這也是為什麼精品咖啡如此的讓人無法抗拒。很快的我的咖啡來到最後一口,時間因她的美貌而凍結,我已經等不及下一次的約會了。
Chuck Chang
Lily Wang
咖啡已是很多人每日不可或缺的陪伴,很多時候學生會問我要怎樣練習寫作找出靈感呢?描繪生活中你最熟悉的事物,然後仔細地找出他對你而言的特殊之處。 就像這篇,我建議寫者將他眼中的咖啡時光用譬喻的手法寫出他的熱情,儀式感十足,同時將咖啡帶入戀愛感的創意書寫,頓時香氣四溢,一抹甜笑揚起,大家都經歷了一場與黑金美人的邂逅。