The sound
I grew up in Zhuqi, Chiayi, a countryside blended with tranquility and impressive nature — a great combination that still stays in my dream. My friends and I loved to hang out between fields and to do all kinds of tricks. We were the little pranksters that the elders assumed we were. We would pop up in front of every creature that we may meet like thunders in the air, we would smash every golden apple snails that appeared under our feet, and we would leave nothing in our school bags only the bento box that made the voice of clink and clank. We treated every single day like a holiday and every single place as a carnival parade. The sound of elders’ scolding and the wind of Jianan Plain made a bizarre symphony swirling in my childhood.
As I moved to Taipei City, those good days no longer existed. I was overwhelmed by a bunch of schoolwork. I tried to find a way to release the steam, and it was the first time I picked up a guitar. It was a wonderful surprise that I had ever met. The vibration from strings ripples a resonance that smooths my heart, the percussion from the sound hole arouses a beat that tinkles every single cell of mine, and the melody from my hand echos the sound that sparkles the symphony of my childhood. I love every night and day that accompanied with my guitar, where is my own secret conduit between the hustle and the serenity. I guess I found the melody of my life.
然而,再怎麼特出的樂曲也總有畫上休止符的時候。爸媽考量我日後的教育,中學時,我搬到的城市居住,驟臨的大量的課業壓力,讓我特別想尋找一個內心的平衡之處。有一天,爸媽問我要不要玩玩音樂,於是送了我一把吉他。神奇的是,吉他裡流洩出的旋律真的撫平了我內心的躁動,樂器上每一個動作-敲、擊、刷弦都讓我找回了童年山野爛漫處的靜懿美好。現在課餘之際我總愛伴著我的吉他,它是我在繁忙課業與生活平衡中的一個輸送管,他疏通了我的「安心」。 音樂滋養了我的心的節奏,我想我找到了我人生的旋律。
Chuck Chang
Lily Wang
1.題目為聲音(The sound) 因此,在文章中大量應用排比疊韻的寫法,創造一種唸讀的韻律感,是一種好的寫法。
We would pop up in front of every creature that we may meet like thunders in the air, we would smash every golden apple snails that appeared under our feet, and we would leave nothing in our school bags only the bento box that made the voice of clink and clank.
例如:雷電聲響、踩踏福壽螺的破裂聲、鐵便當的鏗鏘聲音, 幫助讀著能有聽覺的畫面感,呼應文章的題目the sound,創造時空錯置的詩意美感。